Mid-May “What’s Happening with HYCON?” Review and Upcoming Events!
It has been an incredible past few weeks for Team HYCON. Here’s a rundown of all of the stuff we have been doing.
On April 22nd, HYCON was featured in an interview with Invest In Blockchain — Check out the link here — which covers DAG, SPECTRE and the Infinity Project.
<iframe width=”700″ height=”393″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/-STG8DaHt0g” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe>
On May 2nd, the whole team attended the Blockchain Industry Promotion Discussion at the National Assembly in Seoul to hear Taewon Kim represent the company among a panel of distinguished guests:
<iframe width=”700″ height=”393″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/EgBmyo3Colg” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe>
On May 9th, we followed up with the University of Suwon on the Internship program pilot scheme, which is now set to become an MOU in the coming weeks.
On May 10th, we began shooting GLOSFER TV. On this show we will be giving you guys the latest news from the South Korean blockchain industry. We’re lining up and interviewing interesting guests, and sharing the developments of our own project as well as highlighting other fascinating projects in the cryptocurrency space.
<iframe width=”700″ height=”393″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/77DtXpvkKq8″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe>
Glosfer TV episode 1 will be released next week and in future episodes we will continue to feature popular topics and exciting guests on our shows! Perhaps the TV shoot was a good omen, because later on the same evening, we successfully ended our ICO — and one day early as a nice bonus. Thank you for all your support!
On May 13th, we set up an official announcement only channel on Telegram, in addition to the existing chat, to better serve our followers in a more convenient way:
On May 14th, Jason and Niall live-streamed with Shiv of Crypto Conversationto talk about the ICO and plans post-ICO:
<iframe width=”700″ height=”393″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/jsI2VCgOD1Q” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe>
On May 16th, we announced a code robustness and security audit with Australian Security Firm Entersoft. This final code check is to ensure the security and stability of HYCON before its main net release. You can find out more about Entersoft below:
Entersoft, an Australian cyber security firm, says it has now helped to launch USD $1 billion worth of initial coin…www.crowdfundinsider.com
On May 16th, Glosfer staff attended the extremely prestigious Asian Leadership Conference where Taewon Kim was part of a blockchain panel discussion. Among the attendees at the conference were high level political leaders, including Former Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney, and Former Chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schröder. The Conference was excellently organised and featured a wide range of topics related to the central theme of “Globalization in Crisis”.
On May 17th, Jason French gave a talk at the Global Issue 2018 Conference at the JW Marriott in Seoul, which was met with great enthusiasm and was reported on MTN the following day:
Wow! What a month. But it’s not quite over just yet!
In between all of that, we have finalized the Bounty program which will launch at the same time as the main net. We also hired four more blockchain developers and one project manager from the United States to help the HYCON project fulfill its ambitious road-map.
Coming up in the next month we have more exciting news for HYCON:
The team are going to Austria to attend the Pioneers Fintech Conferencewhere Taewon Kim is a featured speaker.

After that, the crew is heading to Berlin for Blockshow Europe on the 28th and 29th of May (Mon/Tuesday). The HYCON Global Marketing Team will be attending to network and meet industry colleagues.
The main goal of BlockShow Europe 2018 is to build a bridge between the European and Global Markets. The times for…blockshoweurope.com
Our HYCON web wallet is set to be released before the main net to give our ICO participants (or anyone that wants to generate a wallet) time to prepare to receive HYCON on June 1st. HYCON Team Lead, Niall Moore said, “We are just polishing up a few things, user experience wise, but the test net is operational and we are ready for main net!” Main net will launch June 1st and people can begin transacting on the HYCON network. In fact, here’s a behind the scenes preview of how it looks…